Marriage is an important part of life that should be taken very seriously. Time has made marriage a very occasional thing. Nowadays people get married and divorce just like that. People need to take more time before making life choices. There are some signs that can let you know if you’re ready for marriage or not and they are as follows:

  • Having more a fantasy about wedding day than the person you’ll marry

This goes mostly for the women. They tend to have a childhood dream of the “big day” and wearing huge diamonds. The only way you can know if you are ready or not are very simple. Do you think of your wedding day more than the person you are about to marry? If yes then that’s a sure sign that you aren’t ready. This means that the person isn’t right for you.

  • You do it because everyone else is doing it

Some people get married because they see their friends doing it and don’t want to be left out of it. Take your time in making this big life choice, so what your friends and everyone around you is doing it. Just look for the right one and take her.

  • You do it to get attention from others

If you flirt with other people and don’t want your partner to find out then this is a sign you are not ready. Some form of friendly flirting is okay but if you initiate romantic advances with other people and hide it from your partner then just stop and rethink your relationship together.

  • You do it to boost your self esteem

Some people would prefer to get married so as to boost their self esteem. They get married in the belief that their partner can make them feel better about themselves. This is not always the case. What you should be doing is make yourself feel better and learn to love yourself. Be comfortable with who you are without the need of someone else. Only after you have done this should you consider marriage.

Categories: Relationship